RHO New Jersey Episode 2

12 06 2013


Episode 2 starts off at Tre’s house and her explaining that her father is sick, it is so interesting to see her girls reactions, Gia who is the oldest understands exactly what is going on while the younger 3 siblings do not understand the severity of their grandfathers situation.  Gia is really sad and expresses it to Tre.

Melissa and Non Juicy have had their home on the market for months now but no one is biting, their real estate agent tells them why and all Melissa (total idiot) can say, is that she goes to church and prays that her house will sell.  This bitch is annoying, people are still losing their homes to foreclosure and she PRAYS to God that someone can buy her $3.8 million home.  BITCH PLEASE

Bozo is next and I honestly FastForward, you guys can fill in the blank here on what happened.  ____________________.  Boring Kathy is teaching her kid how to drive. Zzzzzzz.  Jackie continues with her lame attempts to bring awareness to autism, she also annoys me.  Non Juicy talks Viagra with Chris and how he is horny all the time.  Chris mentions that Jackie is a great mother because she stays up all night researching autism, apparently she also spends it sending out twitter and facebook messages.  Next there is a scene about her doing some video blog, because she is an expert on the subject???  Tonight we also see a scene with Kim D, this lady looks like a filthy motel mattress.  EWWWW.  Bozo is up again, and guess what I did. FF.  Please do not bother filling in the blank I already gave you guys some space at the beginning of the paragraph.  J/K

Juicy Joe is looking over some fine print on legal papers and Tre tells him that she is going to meet up with Bozo,  I like Juicy’s care free attitude, he really doesn’t care.  According to Tre, Melissa seduced Non Juicy when she was on her period because she put some of “it” in his wine glass and therefore became enchanted with Melissa.  LOL Italian Tall Tales.

Some people that look like movie extras go to the Gorga’s open house, the extras sound like they memorized a script.  Jennifer Dalton makes her first scene with some ratchet blonde that has a 20 year old by P. Diddy, I do not know why she felt the need to tell the Gorga’s that.  Jennifer is a horrible real estate agent, which by the way I DO NOT believe she is.  The ratchet blonde and her are making fun of the Gorga’s home, making stupid comments, breaking a sink and pointing out one small crack on the corner.  Jennifer you are pathetic, you don’t even have a mansion you live in a rental, pay your child support hunty before you go back to jail.  Yes ratchet, we all know you went to jail twice for not paying.

Now back to Tre and Bozo and their sit down, where Bozo pretends to be wise and full of advice.  How many times do I have to mention that Bozo is OLDER not Wiser, if you want to feel useful let your sons suck your loose tit maybe you can feel useful then.

RHO New Jersey…Delusional, Cunt, She-Man, Bozo

11 06 2013



OK so I watched episode 1 from RHO New Jersey, I have said this before and I will continue saying it.  I am NOT a fan of this show.  All these losers talk about family being first and sticking together, yet the BOZO with the red hair is fighting with her sister Dina, hell they don’t even speak to each other, yet Bozo is giving advice to non-juicy Joe about family.

As much as I dislike Melissa I agreed with her comment last night, why is Bozo in THEIR family business, this ugly fat cow needs to go away, she is NOT wiser just older and cuntier.

Teresa is very delusional about her husband but she is not going to divorce him, so who are we to judge, I think she is doing it for the sake of her daughters.  All of Teresa’s daughters are funny but I didn’t like that Bravo used the girls as a story line to get Melissa and Teresa talking.  Seemed kinda staged.  There are plenty of scenes where Melissa and Teresa talk about not seeing each other for a whole year, but on the way to the bead store Melania says she has not seen Antonia in a few months.  Mmmmmm

We then have Jackie, someone I really liked watching the first two seasons,  much like last season this ugly cunt seems full of herself and I think it is DISGUSTING the way she is exploiting her autistic son,  she can say all she wants about bringing awareness about autism, but in reality she is using her kid as a story line.  YOU MAKE ME SICK Jackie, out of the entire cast the only one that seems genuine to me is her husband Chris.

Last and most certainly LEAST we have that UGLY, MAN, DOG looking dyke, which is the only reason Kathy is on the show, seriously this FAT MONSTER makes me run the other way.  She-Man is talking about a girl she met online and how this girl lied about what she looked like, then she says that the girl was UGLY and FAT and that she didn’t like her.  Has She-Man looked at herself in the mirror?? Any who moving on the Kathy, she is regretting the way she talked about Teresa’s parents and I am actually offended that Non Juicy Joe did not come out swinging at Kathy or that Ugly Husband of hers.  Whatever happened to family sticking together and defending your parents.